Hey everybody! I just got back from a wonderful weekend down at the Shore with Mommy and Daddy as well as the rest of the family.
More on that in a minute, but I wanted to share the big news: I have a new cousin! I want to welcome Ella Eve Wylen, who was born Saturday in Seattle. Congrats to her parents Jeremy and Alys, and to Cousin Avi on becoming a big brother! I used to be the youngest cousin, but once Aunt Debra's baby is born, I'll be one of the older ones! Can't wait to meet you, Ella.

Anyway, I got to celebrate my first Fourth of July, and we went to the boardwalk Sunday night to watch the fireworks. They didn't faze me much, but I'm sure I'll be even more into them next year. We also went to the beach, while visiting Mommy's friends in Brigantine, and I spent a lot of time around the house with my various family.
Also at the shore- I ate part of a banana! It was only a little bite, but nice to experience non-bottle food for once. Today bananas, tomorrow subs from Dino's!

Anyway, some highlights from the weekend:

Poppop and I on the couch.

Mommom and I.

With Cousin Daniel and Aunt Hannah.

Mommom Ev, Mommom and me.

Aunt Cheryl and I.

My cool beachwear.

In the car with Cousin Daniel.

Having a bath in the sink.
That's all for now- time to hit the crib. It's REALLY HOT outside, so this sure beats the heat. Thanks for checking in!

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