Hey everybody! Well, it's been quite an exciting couple of days. Last night I went to my first-ever Passover seder, at Uncle Stephen and Aunt Cheryl's house. I drove with Mommy and Daddy up to New Jersey- it was my first time in the state, although Daddy has been playing me lots of Bruce Springsteen, so I sort of knew what to expect.
Anyway, I got to meet a whole bunch of my cousins for the first time, which was really nice. I did sleep through most of the seder, although I can't wait in the coming years to fight for the Afikomen with cousins Daniel and Avi, as well as my two other soon-to-be-cousins!
A few highlights from the last few days:

Me with Poppop Joe, along with cousins Daniel and Avi.

Uncle Stephen and I

Aunt Debra and I

Cousin Goldie, with my Happy Passover Frog from Aunt Cheryl

Cousin Shoshana, all the way from Israel!

Aunt Ruthie and I

I got to meet my cousin Sophie, who came down from Boston. My cousin Sarah's studying in Prague, but I got to meet her too, thanks to Skype!

Me with Aunt Cheryl, whose Passover food I can't wait to be able to eat!

Mommom and I at the seder.

The seder didn't finish until midnight. I sure was tired by the end!

A few days before the seder, mommy's friend Jaime came to visit. This is me with her, and my buddy Christopher.

On Sunday Mommy and Daddy's friends Mike and Dena came to see them, with their kids Alex and Anna. I really loved meeting them!

Happy Passover!