Hey everybody! Well, I've been keeping pretty busy in the past few days. On Sunday, which was Grandma Janny and Aunt Amy's last day in town, we all went for lunch at Hymie's deli, with Grandma's friends Gloria and Bruce. It was lots of fun- some of the sandwiches there are almost bigger than I am!

Wednesday I spent the day at Mommom's house like usual, and had fun playing with Cousin Daniel. Uncle Jason also gave me my bottle, so he could practice for when my new cousin is born later this year.

That night Mommy went to the Bon Jovi concert, so Daddy and I had a guys' night at home. It went pretty well, I slept for a lot of the night but drank both of my bottles, which Daddy really appreciated!

I'm also getting to know even more family. My Granny (Mommy's grandmother) and Aunt Selma came over for lunch on Tuesday, and then today I got to meet my other great-grandparents, Poppop Joe (or "PopPopPop") and Mommom Evelyn. They're back up from Florida and it was so nice to finally meet them!

The other big news is that I went to the doctor today and got weighed- I'm now five pounds, seven ounces! Can you believe how big I am?
I'm excited to spend the weekend with Mommy and Daddy, and then Monday I'm taking my first trip to New Jersey, for my first-ever Passover Seder! We'll be at Uncle Stephen and Aunt Cheryl's, and I get to see a whole bunch of my aunts and uncles and cousins. And I don't even have to eat Matzah!

Anyway, time to nap again. But thanks again everyone for checking in on me!
Looking cute! Do they make a "Pass the Matzo - it's my first passover" t-shirt? He'd look cute in one.