And speaking of growing, I am also coming up on three pounds- that's right, I've grown by 50 percent in just one month!
One other big development- they moved me on Sunday over to the Transitional section of the NICU. Not only do Mommy and Daddy not have as far to walk as far down the hall to see me, but I'm now just one step closer to coming home. It'll be a few more weeks, but I can't wait.

I met two more relatives for the first time this weekend, Aunt Ruthie and Cousin Rachel, who came down from Boston just to see me on Sunday. I can't wait to see them and the rest of the family when we go up there this summer. I also got to see Mommom, Poppop and Aunt Debra this weekend, in addition to Mommy and Daddy.
Anyway, I'm starting to get tired, so back to napping.

Have a good rest of the week, and thanks so much for everyone who's been asking about me.
Noah, you are so handsome! You look like your daddy. So glad you are such a big boy now. Looking forward to seeing pictures of you when you are at your new home. Our best to your Dad and Mom.
Aunt Mindy and Uncle Steve