Hey everybody! I'm having another good week. The big news is that on Monday they finally put me in my own crib! It's nice to be at room temperature, and it's also easier for Mommy and Daddy to reach me without having to open the glass.

Otherwise, I'm getting bigger, slowly but surely. As of Wednesday morning I weigh 3 pounds, 5.1 ounces, which is up from 2 pounds when I was born, almost six weeks ago. They keep upping my feedings, and I'm now drinking from the bottle 3-4 times per day. The rest of the time, I'm still sleeping a lot!
Anyway, the other exciting thing is that Mommy's friends threw her a surprise baby shower on Sunday. Not only did they give her lots of great stuff for me, but Aunt Jaime made a cake with my name on it! Mommy really appreciates it, and so do I!

Have a good rest of the week everyone. I'm still in the NICU, but can't wait to come home, hopefully very soon. Thanks again for all the well wishes!

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